
Recordando a Mark Lanegan Vol.1 en ‘Bienvenido a los 90’

Nuestro querido y admirado Lanegan se marchó hace un año y vamos a recordarle a través de canciones donde colaboró con otros músicos.
Un mapa sonoro sumamente interesante y apetecible donde descubriremos un montón de cosas nuevas.

01. Mark Lanegan  – At Zero Below – Straight Songs Of Sorrow (2020)
02. Humanist – Kingdom – HUMANIST (2020)
03. Humanist – Beast Of The Nation – HUMANIST (2020)
04. Humanist – Skull – HUMANIST (2020)
05. Humanist – Gospel – HUMANIST (2020)
06. Earth – Rooks Across the Gate – Primitive and Deadly (2014)
07. Earth –  There Is A Serpent Coming – Primitive and Deadly (2014)
08. Creature With The Atom Brain – Black Out, New Hit –  I Am The Golden Gate Bridge (2007)
09. Creature With The Atom Brain – Crawl Like A Dog –  I Am The Golden Gate Bridge (2007)
10. Creature With The Atom Brain – Lonely Light – Transylvania (2009)
11. Creature With The Atom Brain – Black Rider Run – The Birds Fly Low (2012)
12. Creature With The Atom Brain – Part 1 – Night Of The Hunter (2015)

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