
Gira de Cats on Fire

Los finlandeses Cats on Fire estarán en nuestro país a finales del presente mes y comienzos a abril, presentando un disco recopilatorio titulado Dealing in Antiques (2010)

Las fechas son las siguientes:

30 marzo – Teatro Lara, Madrid
01 abril – Festival Plastidepop, Las Playas, Zaragoza
02 abril – La 2 de Nitsa, Barcelona

Por su parte, el contenido de Dealing in Antiques (2010) es el siguiente:

1. Your Woman (White Town cover)
2. Poor Students Dream of Marx
3. Never Land Here
4. Crooked Paper Clip
5. Something Happened
6. On His Right Side
7. Don’t Say it Could Be Worse
8. My Friend in a Comfortable Chair
9. You Will Find Me Where You Left Me
10. Solid Work
11. Higher Grounds (original EP version)
12. They Produced a Girl
13. Honey Your Baby
14. The Smell of an Artist (original EP version)
15. Your Treasure
16. The Cold Hands of Great Men
17. Draw in the Reins (original EP version)
18. Happiness is Chemistry
19. Stars
20. The Hague

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