Sant Feliu al completo
Finalmente, el cartel que compondrá el festival de Sant Feliu de Guíxols los días 12, 13 y 14 de agosto es el siguiente:
1-Unsane (USA, Relapse)
2-Ted Leo + The pharmacists (USA, Lookout)
3-Today is The Day (USA, Relapse)
4-Lungfish (USA, Dischord)
5-Enon (USA, Touch&Go)
6-Robocop Kraus (Alemania, Day After)
7-XMilk (Bcn, Bcore)
8-Das Oath (USA, Dimmak)
9-The Je ne sais quoi (Suècia, Coalition)
10-No More Lies (St. Feliu de G. Bcore)
11-Moho (Madrid, Throne )
12-The Cheese (Bcn, Ozono Kids)
13-La Celula Durmiente (St. Celoni Underhill)
14- Mihai Edrisch (França, Alchimia)
15-Bikini Summer (Girona, death wish team)
16-Ximel (Pais Basc, The space patrol)
17-Izaera (Pais Basc, Bonborenea)
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