
Edición de lujo para Two Door Cinema Club

Los norirlandeses Two Door Cinema Club publicarán el próximo lunes 18 de octubre su ópera prima, Tourist History (2010), en edición de lujo que incluye un segundo CD con numerosas remezclas.

El contenido de Tourist History (2CD Deluxe Edition) es el siguiente:

Disco 1:

1.Cigarettes In The Theatre
2.Come Back Home
3.Do You Want It All ?
4.This Is The Life
5.Something Good Can Work
6.I Can Talk
7.Undercover Martyn
8.What You Know
9.Eat That Up, It’s Good For You
10.You’re Not Stubborn

Disco 2:

2.Undercover Martyn (Everything Everything Remix)
3.I Can Talk (French Horn Rebellion Remix)
4.Come Back Home (Is Tropical Chilla Black Edit Remix)
5.Undercover Martyn (Jupiter Remix)
6.I Can Talk (Moulinex Remix)
7.What You Know (Cassian Remix)
8.Come Back Home (Myd Remix)
9.Something Good Can Work (Ted & Francis Remix)
10.Undercover Martyn (Softwar Remix)
11.Something Good Can Work (The Twelves Remix)

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