
El Telescopio 646, especial ambient con instrumentos clásicos, con A Winged Victory For The Sullen, Clark, Jon Hopkins

Discos de la semana: A Winged Victory For The Sullen, «Invisible Cities»/ Clark, “Playground In A Lake”

Bloque 1: Kara-Lis Coverdale (Caterina Barbieri), Floating Points, A Winged Victory For The Sullen, Oliver Coates

Bloque 2: Max Richter, Roger Eno & Brian Eno, Shiro Sagisu, Sarah Davachi

Bloque 3: Patrick Belaga, Black To Comm, Clark & Rakhi Singh, Ruth Rosique

Bloque 4: Angèle David-Guillou, Brian Eno & Jon Hopkins, Nils Frahm, A Winged Victory For The Sullen

Bloque 5: Hammock, Made For Humans, Ana Roxanne, Faten Kanaan

Bloque 6: Anna Stereopoulou, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Clark & Oliver Coates, Biosphere

Bloque 7: nthng, Pierre Laniau, Jon Hopkins, Oliver Coates

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