
Nuevo vídeo de Morrissey

Hoy se pone a la venta «Something Is Squeezing My Skull», el nuevo single que se extrae de Years of Refusal, el último trabajo de Morrissey.  El sencillo ha salido a la venta en tres formatos, dos cd singles y un vinilo de 7″.

«Something Is Squeezing My Skull»
«This Charming Man» (recorded for BBC Radio 2’s Morrissey at Radio Theatre)

«Something Is Squeezing My Skull»
«Best Friend On The Payroll» (recorded for BBC Radio 2’s Morrissey at Radio Theatre)

«Something Is Squeezing My Skull»
«I Keep Mine Hidden» (recorded for BBC Radio 2’s Morrissey at Radio Theatre)


Morrissey -Something Is Squeezing My Skull

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