
Conoce la programación musical de Sónar 09

Cuando queda un mes para que la edición de Sónar 2009 abra sus puertas, te ofrecemos la programación de cada una de las jornadas. Más de cien artistas entre los que destaca la presencia de los reactivados Orbital, la musa Grace Jones o artistas tan emergentes como influyentes de la talla de Late of the Pier, James Murphy, Jeff Mills, Erol Alkan, Animal Collective, Crystal Castles o Carl Craig,…

Estos serán todos los artistas que pasarán por Sónar 09:

Sónar de Día – 18.19.20
RRIICCEE feat. Vincent Gallo (US)
Micachu and The Shapes (Rough Trade,UK)
Konono Nº 1 (Crammed Discs,CO)
Luomo (Huume,FI)
Omar Souleyman (Sublime Frequencies,SY)
Filastine (Post World Industries,US)
Ben Frost (Bedroom Community,AU)
Mark Jones plays Wall of Sound (UK)
Joe Crepúsculo vs. La Estrella de David y Thelemáticos (Discoteca Océano,ES)
Tarántula vs. La Orquesta del Caballo Ganador (Producciones Doradas,ES)
Colch-ón vs. Suma (Foehn,ES)
Institut Fatima (DE-ES)
Roland Olbeter + Tim Exile + Jon Hopkins (DE-UK)
Anímic (Error! Lo-Fi,ES)
Carrier To Noise Ratio (ES)
Néboa (ES)
Nikka (Lovethechaos,ES)
Rominger (Pendrive Records,ES)
Pau Riba + Mil Simonis (ES)
Bèstia Ferida (Ozono Kids,ES)
Txarly Brown presenta Achilifunk (Lovemonk,ES)
Penca Catalogue (Persona Isla,ES)
Carlos Suárez (ES)
Aitor Molina (Supernormal,ES)
Quayola (UK)
Fat Fish (Artec,ES)
Vidal Romero plays Go Mag (ES)
Davic Nod (Loud Music,ES)

Raster Noton presenta
SND (Raster Noton,UK)
Byetone (Raster Noton,DE)
Alva Noto (Raster Noton,DE)
Atom™ (Raster Noton,DE)

Ed Banger presenta Gazpashow!
James Pants (Stones Throw,US)
Bullion (One-Handed,UK)
Breakbot (Moshi Moshi,FR)
DSL (Ed Banger,FR)
Busy P. (Ed Banger,FR)
Outlines (La Lettre 7,FR)

Ghostly International 10th Anniversary presenta
The Sight Below (Ghostly,US)
SV4/Michna (Ghostly,US)
Lusine (Ghostly,US)
Michna with Raw Paw (Ghostly,US)

BBC introducing presenta
(Highlights on BBC Radio)
Huw Stephens presents Introducing on BBC Radio 1 (UK)
La Roux (Polydor,UK)
Young Fathers (Black Sugar,UK)
Bass Clef (Blank Tapes,UK)

Red Bull Music Academy presenta
Mulatu Astatké + The Heliocentrics (Strut/ET-!K7,UK)
Bomb Squad (Shocklee Innertainment,US)
Cardopusher (True Tiger,VE)
Cécile (Mac Mac,IT)
Culoe de Song (Innervisions,SA)
d´Jw (Megabeats,ES)
Débruit (Musique Large,FR)
Dorian Concept (Kindred Spirits,AT)
El Santo (Premier Evil Crusher,CO)
GoldieLocks (Puregroove,UK)
Guillamino (Bankrobber,ES)
Jamie Woon (One Taste,UK)
Kornél Kovács (Forza Marginale,SE)
Lukid (Werk,UK)
Mano Le Tough (District Of Corruption,IE)
Miaau (Marchlewski,ES)
Midee (Labolatory,ES)
Mike Slott (Lucky Me,IE)
Mr Hudson (G.O.O.D. Music,UK)
Muhsinah (Circulations,US)
Natalia Lafourcade (Sony BMG,MX)
Onra (Favorite,FR)
Rory D (Galway,IE)
Sonicbrat (NIL,SG)
Taras 3000 (Idle Conversation,RU) XXXChange (Fullly Fitted,US)

Sónar de Noche – Viernes 19
Grace Jones (Wall of Sound,JM)
Late of the Pier (Parlophone,UK)
Buraka Som Sistema (Fabric,PT-AO)
Richie Hawtin (Minus,CA)
James Murphy & Pat Mahoney
(LCD Soundsystem disco set) (DFA,US)
SebastiAn (Ed Banger,FR)
Erol Alkan presents Disco 3000 (UK)
Little Boots (679-Atlantic,UK)
Crookers (Mad Decent,IT)
Brodinski (Turbo,FR)
Don Rimini (Mental Groove,FR)
Heartbreak (Lex Records,US)
Agoria (Different,FR)
DJohnston (Underhits,ES)
Nacho Marco (Loudeast Records,ES)
Buenavista (AudioSushi,ES)

Mary Anne Hobbs presenta
(Highlights on Radio 1)
The Gaslamp Killer (Obey,US)
Joker (Kapsize,UK)
Martyn (3024,NL)
Mary Anne Hobbs (BBC Radio 1,UK)

Sónar de Noche – Sábado 20
Orbital (FFRR,UK)
Animal Collective (Domino,US)
Crystal Castles (Lies Records,CA)
Fever Ray (Rabid,SE)
Jeff Mills (Axis,US)
Mujava (Warp,SA)
Deadmau5 (Mau5trap,CA)
Moderat (Bpitch Control,DE)
Rustie (Wireblock,UK)
Beardyman (UK)
Carl Craig (Planet E,US)
Henry Saiz (Natura Sonoris,ES)
Angel Molina (SonarMusic,ES)
HD Substance (Software Music,ES)
The Requesters (Highlights,ES)
Cauto (Disboot-Discontinu Records,ES)
Tadeo (Net28-Cyclical Tracks,ES)

Ostgut Ton presenta
Shed (Ostgut Ton,DE)
Marcel Dettmann (Ostgut Ton,DE)

Sunday Best presenta
Rob da Bank (Sunday Best,UK)
dan le sac vs. Scroobius Pip (Sunday Best,UK)
Ebony Bones (Sunday Best,UK)

L’Auditori – Viernes 19
Lars Horntveth (Smalltown Supersound,NO) + BCN216 (ES)

Planetari de CosmoCaixa – 18.19.20
Evelina Domnitch, Dimitry Gelfand & Francisco López
«Ten Thousand Peacock Feathers in Foaming Acid» (NL)

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